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Strawberry Banana Smoothie Bowl

I recently posted a picture of a smoothie bowl, and many of you were wondering how to make it! So this week, I’ve decided to share that with you! This is the simplest smoothie bowl I’ve ever made, and it’s also a classic! I’m showing you how to make a delicious strawberry banana smoothie bowl!



-Around 6-7 strawberries

- 3/4 of banana sliced

- One Chobani 170g plain Greek yogurt

- Splash of milk

Decorative Fruit

- One or two strawberries

- 1/4 of a banana

METHOD 1 Combine all the ingredients, under the heading “Smoothie”, in a blender. Blend until completely smooth. Pour smoothie into a bowl.

2 Slice the banana and strawberry into thin slices, then place on top of smoothie!

That’s all there is! Four ingredients, two steps to make a beautiful and delicious smoothie bowl that looks just like the ones you see on your Instagram feed!

Hope you enjoy!

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xoxo Fox

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