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New Years Resolution Ideas

Hey guys! 2016 is coming to an end and 2017 is so close! In this post I’m going to share some New Years Resolution ideas for you guys and give you some tips on how to follow through with these resolutions! These are not necessarily my New Years Resolutions, these are just some ideas for you in case you are stuck! Remember it’s never too late to start a New Years Resolution, even if you read this a few days or even weeks into 2017, there’s always time to start!

1. Spend less time on your phone and on social media! This is hard to do, but try to spend more time reading or being outside and less time staring at a screen.

2. Watch less TV! Try to watch less TV by spending more time outside or spending more time with your friends and family!

3. Become more organized! Become more organized by writing in an agenda and writing reminders.

4. Learn a new language! It is now super easy to learn a new language because there are plenty of apps that can teach you a range of languages.

5. Travel to new and exciting places! Traveling doesn't have to be going somewhere far, try to travel somewhere new every month, even if it is just a 20 minute drive away!

6. Start to be on time more. Set a timer for yourself so you leave on time and drive on time to places.

7. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Make smoothie bowls and put lots of fruits and veggies in them, you’ll end up eating so many healthy things and you won't even realize it!

8. Spend more time outside. Go on walks and hikes with your friends and family! If it’s nice out, then go to the beach or the pool!

9. Drink more water! This is really easy to do, all you need to do is buy a cute water bottle, or decorate an old one so it looks great. If your water is in a fun bottle, it will make you want to drink it more! If that doesn’t work for you, you can also put fruit like strawberries and lemon so it tastes better.

10. Be more positive and do more things that make you happy! :)

I hope these give you ideas for your New Years Resolution and I hope you had an amazing 2016 and an even better 2017!

xoxo Fox

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